Firefighters light UP the sky for Canada Day
On July 1, people of all different shapes, sizes, colours and creeds gathered to celebrate the one thing that bring us all together, Canada. Though attendance was down from last year whether due to the heat or just the fact last year was the big 150 celebration, there were still massive crowds who came out to commemorate Canada’s 151st birthday.People came from Acton and across Ontario for the festivities that took place at Prospect Park. The day had a wide range of events and activities from the Town Crier Andrew Welch, to dancers from Acton’s various dance studios including TDI and the new soon to be Ambitions Dance Studio, to a cake presented by the Acton BIA, who was proudly showing their new logo and branding. The day was hosted by Monty Greig who put on a top-notch performance for all to see. But the highlight for the day, as every year, was the fireworks put on by the Acton Fire Fighters Association (AFFA)Acton UP reached out to Dave Pratt – Fireworks Committee Chair to ask him about the fireworks, and the work put into the event.
“This year we shot off over 750 high level shells and six low level boards or cakes”
This was also the first year using an “e-firing” or electronic firing system which has become an ever growing trend in the fireworks industry. “All the shells are wired to a fireworks firing system and fired remotely several feet away. This is a much safer system and easier to control the tempo of the show. Next year we are looking into putting the show to music.”
Among the 750 fireworks, there were shells ranging from 3” which shoot about 140 feet to 8” shells which go approximately 235 feet into the air, providing a burst of 350 feet. The total cost of the Fireworks was slightly over $20,000.
The set-UP and clean-UP took 10 firefighters with another 15 out in the community promoting and collecting money. In total this year the HHFA raised $14,000 through the community and corporate donations.
You can check out the Fireworks from start to finish in our video below and see full coverage of Canada Day in our UPcoming Season 3 of Acton UP.