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A Message from Mayor Rick Bonnette on Bill 108

A Message from Mayor Rick Bonnette on Bill 108

Every Mayor in Halton Region, Halton Regional Chair and most Ontario councils were opposed to Bill 108. This is the Provincial Bill also known as 'More Homes, More Choice Act' to support the Province's 'Housing Supply Action Plan' that was introduced just last month.

This Bill will bring changes to the development charges. Municipalities have always encouraged that new growth should be paid for by developers not on the backs of existing taxpayers. This Bill will mean new growth will pay even less of its true costs and you, the existing taxpayer, will have to make up the difference.

The omnibus bill has legislation over 13 different acts including the Endangered Species Act, Ontario Heritage Act, Cannabis Control Act, Development Charges Act, Environmental Assessment Act, Planning Act and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act to name a few. This was a concern to municipal councils across Ontario as we requested more time to prepare submissions before a decision was made in order to further evaluate the potential impacts on the current tax base.

Unfortunately, we weren't listened to and the Bill was passed at Queen's Park on June 6th.

This means the Province will return to the old Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) rule which translates to even less local influence over our planning and decision making. This is a huge disappointment as I sat around the table with all of the Mayors in the GTA and Hamilton last term asking for OMB reform which we got. Now with the previous OMB rules re-instated, it is back to any developer going right to the board before local planning decisions are made. Personally, I believe it is time to abolish the OMB. We are the only province in Canada that has just such a body.

Bill 108 will have negative impacts on municipal finances and local planning. It's going to be an interesting fall as we watch the trickle-down effect of this legislation.​

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