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Boundary Committee Votes in Favour of Recommended Changes - Acton High

Boundary Review Committee Votes in Favour of Recommended Changes The final Boundary Review Committee (BRC) meeting was held at Acton High School tonight. Getting here has been a journey which started with the Boundary Review Steering Committee’s (BRSC) recommendation to make Robert Little grades JK-6 offering English and French Immersion (grades 2-6), Mackenzie Smith Bennett grades JK-6 offering English only, and Acton High School grades 7-12 offering French Immersion and English. The BRC met on November 26 and December 3. A public meeting was held January 14. A public information feedback form was available for input until January 24. The feedback form received 38 responses. Fewer than that were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. The BRC took written questions which were addressed by either the committee or Michelle Lemaire, Principal of Burlington Central High School. BCHS has been grade 7-12 since 2005. Michelle addressed concerns and highlighted many positives of the Grade 7-12 model including:

  • a more gradual transition for students. In grade 7 they change schools and administration. In grade 9 they change schedules. As opposed to all in Grade 9

  • the school has 2 budgets, one for elementary and one for secondary. The school doesn’t need duplication of certain resources like basketballs, for example.

  • separate schedules to reduce contact between elementary and secondary students. For example, elementary students still have 2 nutrition breaks and high school students have a lunch period between those breaks

  • high retention rates between grade 8 and 9

Parents with concerns should visit the FAQ for the Acton Boundary Review on the HDSB website. If you still have questions or concerns email them to The committee voted 3 in favour, 1 in favour with consideration and 1 against the proposal. One BRC member was unable to attend. The BRSC will consider this along with public input and make a recommendation to the Director who will make a report to The Board of Trustees on February 5. Trustees are scheduled to decide at a meeting on February 19.

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