HALTON HILLS, ON - The Town is updating the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) and seeking input from local business and property owners, organizations and developers on their future development and investment plans and potential municipal supports.
Input gathered from stakeholders will help refine the plan’s incentive programs to address the unique needs of Halton Hills’ businesses. The update, through other phases of the project, will also identify additional potential supports for business recovery from COVID-19 and long-term resiliency.
Since its approval in 2010, the Town's CIP has been successful at stimulating and supporting private sector investment, specifically through building, façade and landscape improvement grants, as well as environmental site assessments grants.
Ten years later, the Town is taking a multi-pronged approach to economic development to continue to attract, retain and expand economic activity while supporting the existing business community through critical initiatives like the CIP update.
The update will build on the existing CIP’s strengths and successes while focusing on multiple areas that have been identified for review, including possible additional programs like main street revitalization, affordable housing, arts and culture, climate change, heritage and an Economic Assistance Program. The latter will explore potential business supports in response to the challenges caused by COVID-19 and possible major economic disruptions in the future.
“The Community Improvement Plan has been successful, but it’s time for an update that includes input from the local business community, including those businesses that have faced unprecedented challenges as a result of COVID-19,” said Mayor Rick Bonnette. “The updated plan will be an even more effective and modern economic development tool that the Town can use to continue to support our local businesses.”
Business and property owners are invited to take an online survey through Let's Talk Halton Hills. For more information on the CIP, visit the Invest Halton Hills Community Improvement Plan page.