Cannabis Q&A: Randy Kerman
1. Have you ever used Cannabis? And if so, what did you think of it?
Yes I have and I did not consider it a big deal. It's been a long time since.
2. What is your current stance on Cannabis?
My current stance is now that it's legal I feel the town needs to review the rules and consideration should be given to allowing store locations. Our population is going to purchase it via the mail or go out of town. To think that may having a store will increase usage is wrong. But we do know that the economic benefits will be lost if no locations are in town.
3. Would you vote for Halton Hills to opt in, or opt out, or wait to opt in of the new legislation?
My vote would be to opt in only after we have the complete rules and it would be of a benefit to the community. If not or unsure we should opt out a we could always come in later.
4. What is your opinion on Cannabis vs. Alcohol? Do you find one substance to be better, more harmful, or equal?
Good question, I think that the science on this is still in question, however I believe I have seen more harm done to society as a when by alcohol than cannabis.