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Cannabis Q&A: Robert Gottardi

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Cannabis Q&A: Robert Gottardi

Robert didn't number his responses, however we do feel he answered all of our questions in his response.

"Hello and thank you for asking about a far reaching and important issue upon us now.

First of all, I did try it a couple of times while attending University in the 70's, and was not impressed by it and did not think it was anything I would pursue anymore. As a result I felt that Cannabis had no real purpose and really gave it no more thought other than it was not for me. New research and extensive studies have shown that compounds within Cannabis have tremendous beneficial qualities for people who suffer with certain afflictions, and having read some of the scientifically peer reviewed work done, I think this correlation is pretty solid and verifiable. We have examples of many beneficial medications that work wonders that are derived from other restricted or otherwise banned personal use substances, so why not Cannabis.

The actual regulation and implementation guidelines of the new legislation is still not completely sorted out, but we should not discredit this opportunity. We should plan accordingly to best serve our community with the new information coming from the Province and act swiftly to opt in with a "best case" scenario plan for Halton Hills when all the relevant information has been received and only then, and plan to involve our agricultural community to best serve them as they may want to join a possible opportunity for them by streamlining the process's with the town to get them going.

I think that the similarities between Alcohol and Cannabis in recreational use are more similar than different. Sure there is going to be problems with both, but it is a matter of choice if people use them or not, and that is what we offer responsible citizens as a democratic society. We hope that people will be responsible and use Cannabis as responsibly as the vast majority of Alcohol users do, if not we must make sure that protections are built in to protect the innocent bystander.

Thank you

Robert Gottardi"


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