The Halton Hills Public Library Announces Fine Free Policy for Children and Teens The Halton Hills Public Library is announcing that the Library Board has approved the expansion of the fine-free policy for babies to now include children and teens. This expanded policy starts June 15, 2019. For many families, this announcement, will offer a fresh start. The fear of accumulating late fees for overdue items can be a barrier to borrowing essential resources, using Library technology, or even visiting the Library. Every child and teen should have the opportunity to access books, music, information and technology as needed for literacy, discovery and learning. Libraries are critical to marginalized and underserved communities. In order to create a stronger and healthier community, HHPL is committed to offering fine-free library memberships that remove barriers to service for children and teens. These barriers can have a significant community impact. This fine-free initiative fits within the Library’s Strategic Plan, which positions the Library as a community place where everyone of every age can grow and learn. “The goal is to be supportive of young people in the community, not to be disciplinary or disruptive, and to get items back on the shelves,” says, Douglas Davey, Manager of Children’s and Youth Services. “When people are subject to fines, they are afraid to return items. We want to encourage people to come into the Library and utilize our services, regardless of a late return.” As a result, when a child or teen checks out a book, audiobook or movie from the library, they will no longer have the stress hanging over their head of receiving a fine. Eventually all existing fines on accounts belonging to children and teens will be wiped clear. However, if an item remains overdue for too long, it will be assumed lost and you will no longer be able to check out new items until the book is returned or your balance is settled. The library will continue to email reminders to patrons three days before books are due. In addition, a new reminder will be emailed out when an item is two weeks overdue. It is the patron’s responsibility to check their email address (including spam/junk folders) for notices. For information about fine free for kids and teens, please visit: or call the Acton or Georgetown branches to speak to a Librarian. Again, this policy takes effect June 15, 2019
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