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Chris Cassey

HDSB Return to School Live Stream

HDSB Return to School Live Stream

Did you miss the livestream?

Two major announcements by Stuart Miller, Director of Education Halton District School Board, at the beginning of the live stream were:

  • The delay of the start of the school year. School will officially start, tentatively, on September 14. The board is hopeful that small cohorts will be able to attend in the previous week, special needs students who may require extra time to adjust.

  • Masks will now be mandatory from Grade 1-12.

According to Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Medical Officer of Health Halton Region, “for most children, the benefits of being in school will outweigh the risks.”

Some highlights from Dr. Meghani’s presentation include:

  • Halton’s COVID numbers remain low

  • The prevalence in children ages 0-19 in Ontario is just 6%.

  • Children are typically asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

  • Children are not significant transmitters of COVID-19.

  • Many children who have contracted coronavirus have been in close contact with a confirmed case.

Dr. Meghani also reiterated that children do not need to be tested prior to return to school UNLESS they are symptomatic or have been in close contact with a confirmed case.

About the options available she says “there is no risk free option”.


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