“Wow ! What a fantastic Car Show” “ Beautiful Spot, didn’t know you had a Lake in Acton”
Just a couple of the remarks we had from some of the Classic Car visitors to our sixth annual Show and Shine as we registered a record 257 Cars. Peggy presented the trophy to the furthest travelled car which went to a gentleman from Calgary. The trophy was dedicated to the late Sharon Graham-Hedley, who along with her husband Mike, started this annual show. Mayor Rick Bonnette chose a 1929 Capone from Wasaga Beach for the Mayors choice. The car is owned by Marlee Workman and her husband George. Rick was surprised to learn that Marlee grew up in Acton.
Once again, the car people came through with their generosity by donating 552lbs of food for the Acton food share to go along with the 92lbs of food donated by the Acton community at the previous weeks fishing derby. In addition, the car folks donated $960 in cash to go along with the food. Acton food share chair, Councillor Mike Albano was overwhelmed when we gave him the news.
Peggy sends a big thank you to Anne and her industrious team of volunteers. Anne in turn, sends a big thank you out to all the businesses in Town for their generous donations in support of this event. It is appreciated greatly.
Most of Anne’s team were back in action the following week as we hosted 300plus guests who travelled everywhere to attend the Viva Elvis concert. The concert was a tremendous success, and branch 197 benefited greatly. Once again, Kudos to Anne and her team.
The next day was our annual Golf tournament organised by Davy Lewis and his team of volunteers who produced an excellent day (helped by the glorious weather) of fun and sportsmanship, with eighty golfers participating.
Sunday September 11 , we hosted the fourth annual ride or stride for Claudio. This is a motor bike rally and fundraiser to support SickKids Lymphoma research fund. The ride began in Vaughan and ended in Acton bringing visitors from various communities north of Toronto. Another successful event and yes, our visitors agreed “it was worth the drive to ACTON’.
Branch 197 joins the world in mourning the loss of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II Veteran of WWII
Please check the webpage at legion197.com, and in addition we will be posting information on Social- Media.
Branch 197. He can be reached at rclbr197@cogeco.net.