Starting this week, Blue Rooster Studio owner, Trayc Dudgeon, will be offering free family portraits. Portraits on the Porch is a project to help lift the spirits of the Acton Community. To sign up you can visit her Facebook page: ( In her events choose a day and time slot that work for you and click “going”. Trayc will send you a time slot (10 minute window). Keep in mind that this is weather and light dependent so she will try to schedule you for best photographic results. When she arrives at your address she will notify you. She will guide your family to pose and shoot the photo from a minimum of 20 feet away. Links to your photos, in sizes suitable for both social media and print, will be sent to you within a few days. While Trayc is providing this service free of charge she does ask that you pay it forward if able. “In lieu of payment I am asking that you donate to one of our local charities. Acton Food Share is my top choice.” The project hashtag is #PortraitsOnThePorch. We are living through a historic time, capture the beauty in the chaos.