In early April, the Halton Regional Police Service received a call from a concerned party who had heard loud, aggressive yelling from within a residence, while they were out on a walk.
Officers were dispatched to the residence and spoke with a male party at the door of the residence. When asked about the yelling, the male party denied that any verbal altercation had occurred.
When the officer attempted to interview the female resident of the home, the male interrupted and the officer was not able to glean any information from the female. On assessment, there were no obvious signs of injuries to either party.
Prior to leaving, the attending officer provided the female party with an HRPS business card, encouraging her to call if she was in need of assistance or wanted to talk.
That call came later that day, after the male party left the residence.
Investigating officers learned that earlier that day, the male party had physically assaulted the female following a verbal altercation. The male
had choked, kicked and pushed her.
The female provided officers with information about multiple assaults and threats involving a firearm that spanned a number of weeks.
Officers were able to intercept the male party before he returned to the residence. The male was arrested and subsequently transported to Central Lock Up. Thereafter, the Halton Regional Police Service Domestic Violence Investigative Unit took carriage of the investigation. The accused was charged with four counts of Assault, two counts of Assault Causing Bodily Harm, two counts of Utter Threats to Cause Death or Bodily Harm, Mischief Under $5000 and multiple firearms related charges.
Upon arrest of the accused, the victim was referred to the Halton Regional Police Service Domestic Violence Victim Coordinator within our Victim Services Unit. The Domestic Violence Victim Coordinator worked with the victim to establish measures to increase her safety through a safety plan.
The Victim Services Unit also connects victims to appropriate support services in the community, assists with victim care, and, through the Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP), can provide immediate short-term financial support toward essential expenses for victims of violent crime.
Unfortunately, this situation is not unique. The scope and severity of this incident serves as an example of why we must look out for our neighbours, relatives, friends, and co-workers, especially if you suspect they may not be safe at home. The call placed by a concerned party, as they walked past the residence, played a crucial role in saving this victim from an increasingly violent environment.
The Halton Regional Police Service is urging residents to remain vigilant in reporting suspected intimate partner violence. Victims are isolated inside their homes with their abusers, making it increasingly difficult for them to seek help.
Your call can help.
In recent weeks, our investigators have observed an increase in the number of intimate partner violence related calls, where multiple assaults with escalating violence spanning the course of weeks, are being reported. This has led to an increase in charges laid.
In April 2020, our officers responded to 303 calls related to intimate partner violence, made 67 arrests and laid 163 charges. Compared to April 2019, this is nearly a 19 per cent increase in calls, a 15 per cent increase in arrests, and an 81 per cent increase in the number of charges laid related to intimate partner violence. Of concern, is that it is widely recognized that intimate partner violence often goes unreported to police.
The HRPS is urging victims or friends/family of victims to contact the Halton Regional Police Service, Halton Women's Place or other community resources if intimate partner violence is happening.
Shelters across Halton are still open at this time and Halton Women's Place continues to offer services. Shelters have taken precautions related to COVID-19 to ensure that no one is forced to choose between their safety and their health. Help is available.
Every person has the right to feel safe in our community.
You are not alone. Victims of intimate partner violence or sexual assault and witnesses are encouraged to contact the Halton Regional Police Service. The following is a list of valuable support services and resources in Halton Region for victims of intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence:
Halton Regional Police Service Victim Services Unit 905-825-4777
Halton Women's Place 905-878-8555 (north) or 905-332-7892 (24-hour crisis line)
Halton Children's Aid Society 905-333-4441 or 1-866-607-5437
Nina's Place Sexual Assault and Domestic Assault Care Centre 905-336-4116 or 905-681-4880
Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS) 905-875-1555 (24-hour crisis line)